The IB HL/ SL History IA Ideas
Thursday 12th of September 2024 05:45:43 AM

Based on historical events

  1. To what extent did the holocaust during the rule of Hitler shape the concept of human rights in Europe?
  2. How did the Second World War impact the concept of peace and reconciliation among conflicting nations?
  3. To what extent did the Second World War contribute to women suffrage in the 20th century?
  4. To what extent did Germany’s involvement in the Spanish civil war contribute to the outcome of the war?
  5. To what extent did US involvement in the Korean War lead to the outcome of the war?
  6. To what extent did the formation of the United League of Nations lead to the improvement of conflict resolution in the world?

Based on Political figures in the world

  1. How did Nixon’s concept of Vietnamization during the Vietnam colonization succeed in freeing the people of Vietnam?
  2. How did the Hitler’s actions after he rose to the leadership of Germany contribute to the Second World War?
  3. What was the impact of Mao’s political campaign in shaping the concept of democracy and economic growth?
  4. To what extent did Martin Luther King Jr lead to the improvement of human rights and decrease in racial segregation in the United States of America?
  5. To what extent did the rise of Adolf Hitler to the leadership of Germany lead to oppression and racial segregation in Europe?

Based on social issues in the world

  1. To what extent did women contribute to women suffrage in the 20th century?
  2. How did the concept of racial discrimination in the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 end up being a factor that contributed to fairness in the modern society?
  3. What was the impact of educationists and reformists in achieving women suffrage during the 20th century?
  4. To what extent was racial discrimination addressed after the Second World War? 

Based on rights movements in the world

  1. What was the role of the renaissance period in achieving political changes in the United States of America?
  2. How did the civil rights movement of the 19th century in the United States lead to the formation and proclamation of the United stated of America?
  3. To what extent did the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr and other reforms after the Second World War lead to improvement of human rights in the United States of America?
  4. To what extent did the aboriginal movements improve the lives of indigenous communities in Australia?

Based on economic systems in the world

  1. How did industrialization lead to the improvement of American economy during the 19th century?
  2. To what extent did the Russian concept of communism help in stabilizing China and improving Mao’s influence on the Chinese people?
  3. How did the industrial revolution in America lead to economic stabilization in the 19th century?
  4. To what extent did the American concept of capitalism lead to the improvement of American influence in Asian countries?
  5. To what extent did the industrial revolution lead to political changes that occurred in the United States in the 20th century?